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Living more like Roommates instead of loving like Soulmates?


Considering divorce because you think you're out of options?


I've helped over 500 couples just like you.


Yes I feel this & we need help!

So let me guess...


You've tried couples therapy, but it didn't work for you.  Or perhaps you've been unhappy for months/years and haven't tried anything because you don't know where to start. 


I get it.  It's overwhelming to navigate the marriage help territory. 

How do you know what you need? 

Who's the right fit? 

What are the first steps?


I'm often the 3rd or 4th practitioner couples see after a series of failed couples therapy experiences.


And you may even be questioning whether or not your marriage could be saved at this point!  Are we too far gone?  Can we come back from years of living like roommates?


Well let me reassure you that YES IT'S POSSIBLE!  How do I know?  Because I've helped over 500 couples like you come back from years of disconnect and despair. 


And you don't need to know where to start or how to to do it.  That's where I come in. 


My signature framework marries my training and experience as a psychotherapist with the practical side of marriage coaching to bring you a methodology like no other. 

You won't have to spend years in therapy marinating on all the pain you've felt. 




So if you've been missing the loving feelings you once had, the gentle ways your partner used to touch you, the sweet kisses that made your body heat up from the inside out and want to fulfill your dreams of growing old together....


Let's embark on this journey to create a love that lasts a lifetime.  

Give your marriage the upgrade it deserves

Ways to work with me:

Private Coaching for you or you and your partner.  This is an experience for the woman or couple who's ready to dive in and commit to the work at the highest level.  Completely customized to your needs.  Please apply here.

Exclusively for women.  This is where you'll get your proven roadmap & community for transforming your marriage from the coexistence of living like roommates to a lifetime of adventure, genuine friendship and loving like soulmates; even without your hubs buy in  Get details & apply here.

FREE Masterclass available to you on demand.  Learn how to reinvent your marriage w/o your hubs on board and w/o doing years of talk therapy.  Access here

My Method

Which is designed by me (and has been continuously refined over the course of my 25 year career) to assess what your gaps are, quickly choose a direction and create the momentum needed.  

The work kicks off with a personalized in depth assessment. 

This is an opportunity for me to dive in your history so that I know exactly what you are bringing to the table.  Marriage is a recipe created by two individuals coming together.  I like to know what ingredients you've added to the mix.  We'll cover things like family relationships/attachment, traumatic experiences, prior relationships and anything else that's relevant.  

The beauty in this part of the work is that it uncovers the reasons for why you've been misinterpreting each other, why you get stuck in the same discussions that end in an argument or the silent treatment, and what needs to be shifted, re-contextualized and/or healed so that you can transform the way you relate to each other.

Then we'll deep dive with two solo sessions before we jump into the first joint session.  

The deeper I know you as an individual, the better equipped I am to understand and help you change the patterns in your relationship.  My psychotherapy training comes in handy here, as I'm able to see themes and patterns that are in your way. 

These will become part of the work early on so that you can get some relief right away and feel confident in your ability to change your marriage to be what you desire.  


And lastly we'll create the game plan and outline the roadmap.

This is where we'll decide what we are going to work on and how we are going to work on it.  You'll be relieved to know that there's a plan in place, as well as someone to help you manage it and carry it out.

Everything you navigate, you'll be doing with me by your side.  From the action steps/focal work to the unlimited messaging access in between, you are not going through it without the level of support you need.  This is what creates and sustains the momentum needed for couples to be successful.  And if you're nervous, that's okay.  Everything is paced to minimize anxiety and overwhelm.


This is exactly what we need!

Additional ways to get started with me when you're not quite ready to dive in


Immediate access to 8 strategies directly from my toolbox I use with the couples I work with.  Access here.

Getting stuck in fight/flight mode with your partner.  Use this free guide to learn how to move through conflict swiftly.  Access here

My podcast and your new home for everything Marriage, Midlife, Parenting, and more.  Subscribe here.

Hi I'm Carrie,

A Psychotherapist for 25 years & Relationship Expert specializing in Marriage Coaching.  



More about me