Ready to stop living like roommates and start loving like soulmates?
- Tired of having the same argument again and again that ends in either another blow up or the silent treatment for days at a time?
- Do you cringe at the thought of being intimate right now because the only way that can happen for you is with an emotional connection?
- Are you waking up at 2am with thoughts swirling in your mind from the disagreement you had earlier that day that's still looming?
This is the kind of work I help my clients with.
As someone who's worked with over 500 couples to heal their marriage and get back to the honeymoon stage, but better I can tell you

A one week bootcamp hosted on zoom for married couples who want to take the first step towards healing what's causing the tension in the relationship & building a love that lasts.
Yes you can have it all again:
- That best friendship you had in the beginning that brought you together in the first place.
- The spark that was once so electric you could feel it radiating through your body every time you snuggled up next to him.
- The closeness you feel when you know you can share anything with each other and you never have to feel alone again.
You'll walk away with
- Solutions to the 5 most common communication pattern loops ALL couples get stuck in
- A proven method for eliminating triggers so that you and your partner are not reacting defensively when you try to talk
- A brand new framework to communicate and resolve fights that actually increases your closeness.
- The hope you need to know that your marriage can be better that makes you both want to work for it.
This is an instant access replay of my program that was previously run live
- 3 workshops
- Action Steps following each workshop to put into practice so that you can experience the immediate effect this work has on your marriage.
- A workbook of resources for you to continue the work with your partner even after the week is over.
All for $49!
I want this!"Great marriages are not born. They are consciously created with intentional daily acts of connection."
Meet Carrie
I'm so glad you decided to take the first step in giving your marriage the upgrade it deserves by checking out the experience.
I've been a practicing Psychotherapist for 25 years and have worked with thousands of clients. Additionally, I've helped over 500 couples save their marriage from despair and divorce.
On the personal side, I get where you are. I am celebrating 20 years of marriage this year. It wasn't always easy though. We encountered many hurdles along the way and had a lot to work through. And at times, questioning if we had what it takes to make it through.
I'm proud to say however, that our hard work, intentional effort and attention has paid off. We have created a marriage that I'm certain can withstand just about anything and will last a lifetime.
And this is what I invite you to do with me on this journey, should you decide to join me!
Can 3 workshops really make a difference in my marriage?
What if my spouse can't/won't watch w/ me?
Is this only for married couples?
How long will we have access to the workshops?
Yes I'm so ready for this!
Sign me up