Are you ready to stop overanalyzing, nitpicking & second-guessing your loving marriage?

Oh am I ever!

Every evening, as you sit down to dinner with your husband, your mind races.


You’re replaying your to-do list, worrying about chores and unanswered emails.


When he reaches out for a hug or a moment of connection, frustration boils inside you.


Why can’t he see that you’re busy? Why does it feel like you’re pulling away? 


The truth is, every time you’re not fully present with him, you’re creating distance. Choosing the noise in your head over his embrace means choosing disconnection, and it’s heartbreaking. 


The cycle of Overthinking & Disconnection is a familiar one.


You find yourself questioning if he’s really the right partner for you. You think that if he were just a bit more attentive or if he would do things your way, everything would fall into place.


You can't tell him, but you know he feels it.  Your body language speaks volumes.  You can't hide your disappointment in him.


Let’s be clear:

The real issue isn’t him; it’s your internal chaos. Until you learn to stop the overthinking & overanalyzing, you’ll remain trapped in a cycle of distraction and disconnection, constantly second-guessing your relationship.


His mistakes and flaws trigger a deeper fear within you—a fear that things are slipping out of control and that you’re losing your grip on life.


When this fear kicks in, your mind tricks you into believing there’s something fundamentally wrong with your marriage, leading you to question if he’s the one.


This isn’t about your love for him; it’s about your overwhelming need for control.

And you thinking that if you could fix or change him...

Or thinking that another partner  might be a much better fit....

Is not the answer. 


This is really about what's going on in your body and by avoiding that....

Because in the end, you're going to have these same feelings you have now. 

And the truth is - that you know he's a good man.  He was THE ONE for you when you decided to go all in right?


The way your body reacts when things aren’t “just right” sends alarms ringing, convincing you that his imperfections threaten your peace and safety.


When this happens, you find yourself questioning your husband and your relationship, which breeds feelings of loneliness, frustration, and even guilt.


You love him, yet your anxiety makes it difficult to express that love.


What if I told you it’s possible to have the marriage you dream of with the partner you have…


And actually better than it was before…


It IS possible. 


I’ve helped hundreds of women get out of their head, stop overanalyzing & over-thinking every move their hubby makes and FEEL the love that he has for her.


You’re next.

I'm next!

Welcome to BodyWise  

Your roadmap for getting out of your head (yes it’s possible for you too) and into your body so that you can receive, feel and express love with your husband. 

My Story about how I went from googling how do I know if I'm in the right marriage to celebrating 20 years with my husband and being the happiest I've ever been


This is the program I wished I had 15 years ago.  I was 5 years into marriage with an amazing man who was everything I wanted.  Patient, good listener, smart, present, funny, friendly, adventurous.... 


I had been waiting my whole life for someone like this.  Someone who loved me, cared for me and put me first


And yet my mind focused on his every flaw. 

The way he never tightened jar lids, the milk cap on the counter, the refrigerator door left open, the front door unlocked - the list goes on and on.


Everything he did made me question him, me & our marriage.  Is something wrong here?  Did I not actually marry the right person?


Everything he did differently - my mind made a story about.  My stories were filled with doubt, second-guessing and fear that I was in the wrong marriage.  And had made a big mistake. 


These stories got in the way of being able to receive his love and also love him.  I kept this secret from him, but he always felt my distance.  And my criticism & nitpicking wore him down. 


My patient man was losing his patience because I had this need to micromanage every aspect of our existence.   Years and years of talk therapy did nothing to help me address this. 


But when I stopped obsessing over the belief that talk therapy was my answer and shifted the focus onto working on my body and regulating my nervous system


I was able to create a marriage that is the most aligned, alive, loving and connected than I ever believed was possible for me


Because when you learn to be in the driver's seat of your emotions AND show your body that it's safe despite the stories your mind is feeding you 


You relax, you stop overthinking, you stop overanalyzing, you stop making everything mean something, you stop creating stories that interfere with giving & receiving love


And your loving relationship with your husband deepens.


Our marriage has never been the same... 

And this is exactly the program I wish I had when I was going through this alone figuring it out by trial and error.


No amount of reading, talking to myself or psychotherapy moved the needle for me or my clients the way an Embodied Practice like Nervous System Regulation did.


Getting out of my head and into my body was one of the best decisions I made for my marriage.  And I'm also a lot happier of a woman as a result.


Why the body?  Why not Talk Therapy?


Because Talk Therapy is the language of your mind and what you need here is to listen to your body. 


More than 80% of what you're experiencing inside is actually coming from your body and NOT your mind and you're being misled to believe these are real, actual thoughts.


And when you tune into your mind, it has already created a false story about what your body is saying.


The body never lies. It sends false alarms that need to be interpreted accurately, but it never lies.


You just have to learn it's language and you won't ever do that by overanalyzing your thoughts.  You'll just go further down the obsessive rabbit hole.


But... when you listen to what your body is saying and respond to it with safety, you'll stop letting your mind create false narratives that keep you stuck in what feels like painful realities.  

This is for you if 

  • You keep questioning whether or not you married the right man for you even though you know he's a good, loving partner.
  • You find it hard to relax and enjoy intimate moments because you’re always in your head, running to-do lists & schedules.
  • You love your husband but struggle to express that love, knowing that if you don’t change, it could mean the end of the marriage.
  • You want to break free from the cycle of overthinking and anxiety because it’s killing your ability to fully enjoy the amazing life you have.
  • You want an close knit group of like minded women where you can safely be vulnerable and receive ongoing support from them and expert guidance from me.

I've helped hundreds of clients go from exactly where you're at right now (living in your head, overthinking, overreacting, overanalyzing) to being present and feeling the love that's right in front of them in their marriage. 


As a psychotherapist practicing for 25 years, I know what works and what doesn’t.  And I will guide you to where you want to go without wasting a moment of your precious time.

You will learn

  • The skills you need to connect with yourself and your hubby on a deeper level so that you can be open to the connection & love that's right there in front of you.

  • How to stop the spiraling thoughts so that you can get out of your head and enjoy the presence of love with your hubby & brings back full body tingles you had in the beginning.

  • How to lean on your hubby for support so that you take on everything in life together like best friends and teammates.  You'll be each other's anchor and always have your 'person'.

  • A new way of being - while you shed the old parts of you that no longer work for the kind of relationship you want with your hubby.

Meet Carrie 

I'm so glad you are here and decided to take the first step towards getting out of your head and into your body so that you can create your dream marriage with the hubby you have. I want to assure you that you are in good hands with me.  

As a psychotherapist for the past 25 years, I've had the privilege and honor to work with over 1000 women, men and couples who put their trust in me to help them feel better about themselves, their relationships and the life they are living.  

I've dedicated my career to professional development and honing my expertise.  Following graduate school at New York University, I spent 15 years training in depth psychology, Nervous System Regulation & Couples Therapy.   

Married for 20 years, my husband and I have had our share of ups and downs.  As a Type A woman who's driven and strives for perfection, I fell into trap where I was overthinking and overanalyzing.  I nitpicked everything my hubby did because it wasn't my way.  Learning and integrating the practice of Nervous System Regulation was life changing for me, my marriage and my family. 

And what I've put together inside BodyWise, is everything I wish I would have had and everything I know works for women.  You won't need to fill in with marriage counseling, talk therapy or search for additional resources because I've designed this program so comprehensively in order to meet as many of your needs as possible. 

(Pictured is my small, but mighty family - My husband Steven, our daughter Elayna, my mom Jean and our two fur babies Gus and Brooke.) 

The Vibe


You may be wondering why you should do this work in a group because there are a lot of parts of your life you are very private about.  You don't share a lot.  In fact, most wouldn't know that you're unhappy with aspects of your life.   

But when you are given the opportunity to connect with women in a safe, non-judgmental space where you can fully be yourself, talk about your struggles and release the shame you feel the work you do will be swift & efficient.  The momentum is wildly different in group settings vs. 1:1, which is why this is my preferred method for this type of work.

You'll get to share a space with women who are interested in the same thing - creating their extraordinary marriages, shedding layers of themselves they no longer need, releasing shame, and developing into the woman you know you're capable of becoming.  

Worried what others will think of you or how they'll see you if you expose yourself and your vulnerabilities?

Sharing is actually the antidote to shame.  As women, there's a lot we don't share because we are ashamed (or embarrassed), but when you expose the shame by sharing it, the shame can't fester.  You won't hide behind it.  And you'll feel liberated from it.  

This is a space for you (one I wished I could've had) where you get to fully be who you are without apology, own all parts of yourself, let you hair down and grow into the woman desire to be.   

And I can't wait to meet that woman!  

Are you ready?

Let's do this!! 

I am ready!

What's inside 


1. Portal of Workshops with deep dive exercises.  This is where you’ll learn HOW to do the work of getting out of your head, eliminating the spiral thinking & create the safety your body needs to have the marriage you desire with the partner you have. (Valued at $5000)

2. Weekly Live Calls where you connect in real time with other women who also value growth, marriage, and community.  Together we'll workshop your new skills, deepen your insights and troubleshoot in the areas that need more attention. (Valued at $12,000)

3. Access to Live Trainings - Free access to all live workshops I run while you're in the program ($1500)

4. Private Community off of social media so that you can build and strengthen your bond, get support, work through sticky situations with a tribe of women who are on the same path. (Valued $1500)

5. Lifetime Access to the Curriculum - as a lifestyle practice, you'll be able to return to the practice anytime you want a tune up. (Priceless) 

Total Value is $20,000


Are you ready to give your self, your marriage and your life the upgrade it deserves so that you can finally stop overthinking and start feeling the love in your marriage? 


When you decide to join us inside BodyWise, you'll commit for 4 months.  I've designed it this way so that you can get a complete experience and also benefit from the relationships you'll develop.

I know it can feel like a push-pull when it comes to investing in yourself.  From the time it takes out of your busy life to the financial resources it warrants, these decisions are big ones.  

And I remember every time I embarked on a big piece of work for myself.  I had many conversations with myself and my husband about where I'm going to "find" the time and how I plan to allocate our funds differently so that I could invest in myself and our marriage.  

And every time I took the leap, I've never regretted the decision to better myself, to go deeper, and to grow into the woman I've become today.  

I know it can be scary to tap into the unknown, but I hope you'll give yourself this opportunity for your own development.

And while the total value is $20,000

I'm offering it to you with 2 investment options:

Monthly Payment Plan at $1125/month for 4 months or save 10% by paying in full for 4 months at $4,000 PIF. 

Please note that this program is by application only.  Complete the application below so that we can ensure that it's the perfect fit.  Once I receive and review, I will contact you within 24 hours to set up a complementary consult zoom call so that we can meet face to face.  

Apply Here


"Carrie has turned our marriage around.  I was ready to file for divorce, but my partner begged me to give our marriage one more try.  Carrie made me feel safe, seen and completely understood.  She helped us work through the trust that was broken and I can honestly say that our marriage is better than it's ever been.  I'm so proud of our marriage."

 (To protect the privacy of my clients, all identifying details are kept confidential.)


"I felt like Carrie understood us and what we were dealing with from the beginning.  She was able to see what the issues were, what we needed to work and helped us accomplish what we needed in our marriage.  I loved how she structured things for us right from the beginning.  Knowing where we going was important to both of us."

(To protect the privacy of my clients, all identifying details are kept confidential)


"Carrie showed us what was possible when we were hopeless.  We really thought our marriage was over, but once we started working with her, it was clear that the impossible was going to be possible.  We had worked with other marriage therapists before, but it didn't help so we had lost all hope that anything could help us."

(To protect the privacy of my clients, all identifying details are kept confidential.)

Do you find yourself feeling isolated, on edge, at a loss for what to do next and just craving a deeper connection with your husband?
Maybe you feel shame for having these issues in your marriage, so you can’t talk about these things with anyone; not your Mom or even your best friends…
Well this space is where you finally feel SEEN in what’s happening alongside a community of women all doing the work to create the marriage of their dreams. 
I’m here to tell you that now you don’t have to be in this alone!
Connect with other women who are transforming their conversations and discovering deep connection and support in BodyWise.  This is where you are going to meet your tribe!

Will you join me?

Let’s come together to create the marriage you long for! The one you know you are meant for.  The one you have dreamed of having.  
And now that you know it won’t happen on its own.  You’ve seen that with your own eyes. BodyWise is exactly what you need.   So don’t let another day go by overthinking, 2nd guessing and overanalyzing your loving marriage, when you don’t have to.    


You're next


After this program you will

  • experience a loving marriage with this man of your dreams where you feel alive again
  • be present with this wonderful man who's been right in front of you the whole time
  • be open to receiving his special and one of a kind love for you and be so available for that.
  • feel grounded in your body so that you can experience pleasure and intimacy that warms your body from the inside out
  • get out of your head and into the experience of romance, friendship and fun that you crave to have
  • be open to the kind of adventure and play your husband enjoys that you used to also enjoy.
  • feel like the luckiest woman alive because you have a marriage that you're proud of.

This could be your reality once you experience BodyWise

Yes! Let's do this!

This is your moment of truth.  And I know you're probably nervous about making your next move. 


With options like stay stuck in a loop of overthinking and disconnection and resign yourself to that life or end in divorce and lose the 'good one' it's easy to feel paralyzed.


This here is your chance to finally create the marriage that you've dreamed of with the hubby you have.


You've got this and I've got you!  Let's do this!


Yes! Let's do this!